NaviAsia Singapore aims to contribute to a sustainable society and to sustainable tourism. Our objectives are to reduce negative environmental, socio-cultural and economic impacts of our product by adapting our travel policies and standards. We support our suppliers towards higher sustainability standards and we stimulate more awareness among our customers and motivate them towards more sustainable travel behaviour.
NaviAsia Singapore commits and aims to:
• Ensure there is an appointed team member coordinating our sustainability initiatives who has access to and is accountable to senior management staff in each operating destination;
• Ensure the sustainability coordinator will be in charge of action planning, monitoring and evaluation;
• Keep our sustainability policy up to date and reporting on the progress of sustainability management within each operating destination;
• Have a dedicated team comprising of key positions to support the implementation of our sustainability efforts in each operating destination;
• Have sustainability guidelines and assessment system in place to identify the sustainability performance of key suppliers/partners;
• Have sustainability action plan with clear targets, actions, measures, responsibilities and time planning;
• Develop sets of procedures to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the sustainability policy, objectives and targets;
• Ensure company’s transparency in sustainability by public reporting and communicating;
• Ensure all employees are fully aware of our Sustainability Policy and are committed to consistent implementation and improvement
NaviAsia Singapore aims to commit to practice environmental protection and enhance community relations by ensuring the enforcement of following practices:
NaviAsia Singapore aims to ensure that the vehicles used for our services do not cause more than average pollution. We do our best to reduce the average pollution level as we deem transport is an important factor to sustainable tourism. We commit to this by:
NaviAsia Singapore is committed to:
NaviAsia Singapore ensures that all preferred excursion suppliers are aware of our sustainability objectives and encourage them to adopt a responsible approach. We value animal and community welfare extremely high and aims at excursions that only leave a minor footprint. We are safeguarding the authenticity of the communities and the natural environment, and are strongly against harming wildlife and polluting the environment. We commit to this by:
NaviAsia Singapore ensures clear and constant communication and high protection to our clients and will never promise more than what we or the destination can deliver or provide a false impression of the destination in which it works. We take full responsibility for our actions and strive to create a positive impact through our activities on the environment, clients, employees and communities. We commit to this by: